Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Prevention of Alcohol Abuse Among Pregnant Women - 1306 Words

Prevention of Alcohol abuse among pregnant women Introduction The drug abuse menace has been indicated to be one of the leading factors that negatively affect people at whatever stage of life right from the fetus stage to the fully grown baby and the adulthood. Of greater interest in this case is the persistent and ever increasing abuse of alcohol among other substances among pregnant women and teenagers in particular. There are repercussions that come with the alcohol abuse and there is therefore need to get to the root of how the menace can be controlled. Abstract The research seeks to divulge the extent of the abuse of alcohol among other drugs by the pregnant women and bring forth the manner in which the society and the medical practitioners in particular can contribute to the control of the habit and guarantee better health for the mothers to be and the children. Literature review There were statistics from the 2008 and 2009 data that relates to the pregnant women and drug abuse which should get every concerned American worried about the future of the children to be born and even for the lives of our sisters and mothers within the society. It is indicated that the drug abuse by pregnant women who are younger was higher than the elderly ones. The percentages of pregnant women between the ages of 15 to 17 and abused drugs stood at 15.8% of them, a figure that is relatively higher that that of women in the same age gap who are not pregnant at 13% (NationalShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Alcohol Abuse During Pregnancy1552 Words   |  7 PagesCouncil on Recovery, plans to address the issue of alcohol abuse during pregnancy in Harris county, TX with behavioral and cognitive-based education interventions. According to the CDC, pregnant women with the highest prevalence of any alcohol use were those that are 35-44 years of age, college graduates, or not married with lifetime-care costs estimated at over $2 million. The CDC also reports the state of Texas has 45% of any alcohol use among women aged 18-44 and 14.8% of the same age group bingeRead MoreHow Substance Abuse Negatively Affects The Baby While During1328 Words   |  6 Pagessubstance abuse negatively affects the baby while during a woman’s pregnancy. Many women across the world cause complications to their unborn child when they choose to abuse substance. There are many types of substance abuse such as alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse. Most likely when women choose to engage in these types of activities it causes harm to the child and birth defects. Long term and short term deformities and conditions are present in the child. Other factors play a part into why women abuseRead MorePregnant Womens Temporary Satisfaction and Long Term Consequences1500 Words   |  6 Pagesthat continues to go on today is the drug and alcohol abuse by pregnant women. This has become a growing issue due to the fact that pregnancy is starting at a much younger age. Women tend to become pregnant around the age of 15 to 44 (â€Å"Birth Data†). In young women among the ages of 18 to 24, the alcohol and tobacco rates were 25.5 percent and 15.5 percent, respectively (Chen). As of 2001, about 12 percent of all pregnant women admitted to consuming alc ohol during their pregnancy (Burd). Out of the 4Read MoreSubstance Abuse During Pregnancy?952 Words   |  4 Pages Substance abuse during pregnancy can range in variation from prescription drugs to non-prescription drugs to even alcohol. Substance abuse is more common during pregnancy than most people realize. This type of abuse is more common amongst pregnant women. Most the time substance abuse is hard to find in women. Pregnant women who go through substance abuse usually don’t seek any medical help. If an expecting mother uses any kind of drug it can result in many complications. Some complications thatRead MoreHow to Prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder1030 Words   |  5 Pages Alcohol is a major part of today’s society. Individuals are constantly being exposed to alcohol on a daily basis by simple commercials on the television or while driving on the highway seeing advertisements of billboards. Alcohol is a dependent substance for many people in society be cause not only is it a way to release one’s stress, but it is also associated to have a good time with. Attending a holiday party at a family member’s house or a party to celebrate a birthday, alcohol is always involvedRead MoreFetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention Essay1079 Words   |  5 PagesFetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention: Creating Health Literacy Awareness About the Effects of Alcohol to the Unborn Child Alcohol consumption among pregnant women is a growing problem not only in the U.S. but also to the rest of the world. Billions are spent treating birth defects and other symptoms related to prenatal alcohol drinking. Statistics done shows that treatment of the disorder costs the U.S. 6 billion dollars annually (Burd Hardwood, 2004); adjust that to the current inflation rateRead MoreBinge Drinking and College Students777 Words   |  3 Pagesunlimited access of alcohol for the first time ever. Studies have found that an individual’s critical thinking ability is impaired because of alcohol consumption. â€Å"Binge drinking means drinking so much within about 2 hours that blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels reach 0.08g/dl.† As the CDC reports â€Å"One in six U.S. adults binge drinks about four times a month, consuming about eight drinks per binge† . Alcohol companies continue to make money from U.S adults who are dependent on alcohol for social interactionRead MoreWomen Of The Aboriginal Canadian Women1513 Words   |  7 Pagesfind it difficult to prevent the disease and yet have a large amount of infected people. Women are more prone to the disease than men, let alone the Aboriginal Canadian women. There’s a dramatic increase in HIV and AIDS rates among Aboriginal people in Canada. Although HIV indeterminately affects all individuals no matter age, gender, or race. In Canada women and even more specifically Aboriginal women, are more vulnerable in contracting HIV. Definition Of The Problem â€Å"Aids is a diseaseRead MoreThe Effects of Alcoholism During Pregnancy Essay1097 Words   |  5 Pagesthe vast information given to pregnant mothers, with labeled warnings on every alcoholic beverage, pregnant women still continue to pick up the bottle of alcohol, continuing their journey to the destruction of their bodies and the road of dangers for the unborn child. Perhaps every person who has little to no knowledge in health care, are still able to comprehend and recognize the consequences of alcoholism during pregnancy. Although many women are aware that heavy drinkingRead MoreAlcohol Use For Disease Control And Prevention1446 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Alcohol Use in Pregnancy.† CDC. 17 April 2014. Web. 20 April 2016. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that there is no known safe amount of alcohol use during pregnancy or while trying to get pregnant. The article suggests that â€Å"women also should not drink alcohol if they are sexually active and do not use effective contraception (birth control). This is because a women might get pregnant and expose her baby to alcohol before the mother knows she is pregnant.

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